“I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you”
— Jesus Christ (John 13:15)

Qualified to Comfort
If you were asked, ‘What kind of leadership do we need in the 21st century?’ I wonder what your answer would be. More specifically, how can we, as Christ-centered servant leaders, have the greatest missional impact in this historical moment of uncertainty, strife, and concern?

7 Biblical Requirements of Servant Leaders
As we grow and mature in wisdom, we learn every step leads away from self and toward Christ. More of him, less of us! The seven biblical “requirements” below are intended to help you take your own next steps.

The Myth of the Charismatic Leader
If you naturally burst with charisma, good for you. I mean that. Use it. It will definitely make some things much easier. If you don’t have it, it won’t hurt to spice things up a bit.
But you don’t have to be charismatic. Charismatic leaders have their unique challenges.