Follow the Call

It was a regular Sunday. I was 8 years old and attending church with my family. I had no idea that God was going to sow something into my heart that morning which would help shape the course of my life. We had a visiting speaker. As he shared, his stories captivated me. He was a missionary with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). I can’t remember exactly where he was serving (I like to think it was in Africa), but he shared how he used his vocation as an engineer to serve on the mission field. His job was to make sure the airplanes were serviced so that the pilots could take aid and the Gospel message of hope to remote people and places.

40 years later I found myself in Uganda and visiting the MAF base (see above photo) and feeling particularly grateful to God for how he has called and directed me over the years. I’ve been in mission work for almost 25 years. As an eight-year-old, I felt the tug of God on my heart and I now have the privilege to be working with The Message Trust, seeking to open up opportunities to impact young people in cities across this continent. I’ve no idea who that missionary was or what happened to him and his family beyond that Sunday. But it just goes to show, we cannot comprehend how God is using us as we simply seek to follow him.

I want to invite you to watch the video below in which I share more of my story and the sense of calling I have to Africa. Perhaps this video will prompt something in your heart – maybe to partner with what God is doing through The Message in Africa… or to commit yourself fully to whatever God is calling you to. If you are a believer, then God has a plan and a purpose for your life (Eph. 2:10). Don’t hesitate in following the call. It may be costly at times, but you will never regret it!

The Message in Africa

The vision for The Message in Africa