In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, The Message Trust are excited to release Dr. Tim Tucker’s free ebook; Facing the future we didn’t choose.
Covid-19 has plunged the world into the biggest crisis since the Second World War. Countless millions of people around the globe are facing an uncertain future while having to cope with the trauma of grief and loss. ‘Facing The Future We Didn’t Choose’ draws from Tim’s personal experience of grief in order to provide practical signposts that can help people navigate these traumatic events, whilst helping to bring courage and hope to those who face seemingly insurmountable challenges in light of the Covid-19 crisis.
““This helpful book shines bright in the darkness and brings some beautiful wisdom at a time of great confusion. I am delighted that this can be widely and freely available, especially as it brings the lessons learnt through Tim’s own “dark night of the soul” to the challenges now not faced by the few, but by the many,” writes ”