Endorsements and testimonial

Graham Power:
Chairman Power Group
Founder Global Day of Prayer & Unashamedly Ethical
In Grab a Towel Tim Tucker presents a practical, honest look at leadership and encourages us to look back over our shoulder and see who is following us. Tim shares of personal failures and successes and every account is based on authentic lived experiences.

Susannah Farr:
Gold Youth Development Agency
“Grab a Towel” cuts to the heart of Christ centered servant leadership. It’s packed with truth and rich experience- a must read for those seeking practical tools on how to stick it out and lead in a manner counter to the overwhelming culture of the day.
Stefan van der Walt
Founder and Chairman: Premium Group and Premium Dolberg Group of Companies.
Founder and Chairman: ADDLIFE Foundation
Tim has modelled this leadership style he set out so clearly in this book, even in extreme challenging times. The leadership skills and examples as set out in this book will assist leaders in any organisation or business to follow the most successful leader of all times Jesus Christ.
Paul Hallam:
Founder & Lead Pastor
The Lighthouse Manchester UK
The teaching in Tim’s book really lives up to the title. It is packed with leadership experience and truth from a practitioner, not just a speaker.
Gareth Lloyd-Jones: Senior Pastor of Ridgeway Community Church (South Oxfordshire) and Team Leader of Life in the Spirit Network
I pray that Grab the Towel will re-focus the lives and ministries of both established and emerging leaders. Written with thoughtful biblical insight and from rich experience, Tim brings a timely reminder of who and how we are called to follow. Excellent! Gareth Lloyd-Jones, Senior Pastor of Ridgeway Community Church (South Oxfordshire) and Team Leader of Life in the Spirit Network
Dr Kent R. Hunter: Founder of Church Doctor Ministries and author of Who Broke My Church? 7 Proven Strategies for Renewal and Revival
Why Grab a Towel? Having worked with thousands of churches around the globe, I believe the value of Christ-centered servant leadership is beyond description. Yet, Tucker does it and does it well because he has caught what can’t be taught.

Charmaine Groves:
Executive Chairman
South African Business Resources Institute
Tim’s message is relevant and enriching for leaders today, from all walks of life, whether in Christian ministry or in business.
Rev Dr. Siegfried Ngubane
Director SIM SA
The book reminds us of Jesus Christ, our great model. A Christ-centred servant leadership seeks to serve first and focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people.
Anthony Liebenberg:
Senior Pastor at
Life Church
Get ready for adjustment after adjustment because that’s what this book is all about. Grab a towel and enjoy the journey.
I’ve worked closely with Tim over the last few years and recognise him as an outstanding leader from whom we have much to learn. This dynamic and powerful material is essential reading for any leader who wants to go the distance.
— Andy Hawthorne OBE
I pray that Grab the Towel will re-focus the lives and ministries of both established and emerging leaders. Written with thoughtful biblical insight and from rich experience, Tim brings a timely reminder of who and how we are called to follow. Excellent!
— GAreth Lloyd-Jones
Teams are important but all successful businesses and effective organisations have one common dominator and that is strong leadership. Never before has the world needed strong leadership more than now. Tim has modelled this leadership style he set out so clearly in this book, even in extreme challenging times. The leadership skills and examples as set out in this book will assist leaders in any organisation or business to follow the most successful leader of all times Jesus Christ.
— stefan Van der walt
I have known Tim Tucker for a number of years now and one of the attributes I really appreciate about him, is that he has a servant heart. I think that’s why he is so successful, especially with young people. He doesn’t talk so much, he is more of a doer of The Word and as the title of this book indicates the Christian walk is all about a servant’s heart. I am greatly privileged to be his friend and especially to be there for him, even if it was from a distance, when he lost his dear wife not so long ago. The way in which he handled it really amazed me. So, as you read this book, I think you will understand that it is the ‘upside-down Gospel,’ so to speak. Just like the San Bushmen called the Baobab tree the upside-down tree, because when it loses its leaves it looks like the roots are sticking in the sky and the tree is underground. Jesus said if you want to be first in the Kingdom of God you’ve got to be the last (Matthew 20:26), and “…unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.” (John 12:24). As Tim would share his heart with you, I trust that you too will become a servant of the Lord. God bless
— Angus buchan
In Grab a Towel Tim Tucker presents a practical, honest look at leadership and encourages us to look back over our shoulder and see who is following us. This is the sign of good leadership; the quality, determination and character of the people who follow us. Tim shares of personal failures and successes and every account is based on authentic lived experiences. As leaders we are to be set free from the burden of always having the right answers but rather encouraged to point people to the only person who has the answers: Jesus.
— graham power
I thoroughly and wholeheartedly recommend you get a copy of this book. The teaching in Tim’s book really lives up to the title. It is packed with leadership experience and truth from a practitioner, not just a speaker. If you like reading material that will add to your own understanding and help release your gifting further, this is a must read. So, go get yourself a copy of “Grab a Towel” it will be a great investment in your life and service to God I’m certain.
— ps.Paul hallam
Tim Tucker’s contribution to the much-needed call to rediscover the “lost art of leadership” is amazing. The book reminds us of Jesus Christ, our great model. A Christ-centred servant leadership seeks to serve first and focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people. Tim makes a clarion call “Our assignment as Christian leaders is to move people from the point where they are at, towards an encounter with Jesus Christ which equips them to live wholeheartedly for Him in the world in the service of others.”
— Rev Dr. Siegfried Ngubane
Tim Tucker bleeds the DNA of The Message Trust. That’s reason enough to read his latest book, Why Grab a Towel? Having worked with thousands of churches around the globe, I believe the value of Christ-centered servant leadership is beyond description. Yet, Tucker does it and does it well because he has caught what can’t be taught. We, at Church Doctor Ministries are so grateful for the wisdom of this book! We recommend it to church leaders everywhere. It will increase your leadership capacity. Don’t hesitate: grab a towel!
— Dr.kent r.hunter
As Christian leaders, we stand on the shoulders of giants in the faith, as demonstrated in Hebrews 11. This inspired book confirms Tim Tucker as a giant in Christ-centred servant leadership, as he masterfully reveals and embellishes on the character of such leaders, with profound concepts and refreshing new thinking, challenging the reader to lead by “grabbing the towel passed on by Jesus”, our greatest and most exemplary Servant Leader! Tim’s message is relevant and enriching for leaders today, from all walks of life, whether in Christian ministry or in business.
– Charmaine Groves
“Grab a Towel” cuts to the heart of Christ centered servant leadership. It’s packed with truth and rich experience- a must read for those seeking practical tools on how to stick it out and lead in a manner counter to the overwhelming culture of the day. A true leadership gift for these times.
-Susannah Farr
When I read those words, “moving people onto Gods agenda” I knew this was going challenge me to the core and I was right. Get ready for adjustment after adjustment because that’s what this book is all about. Grab a towel and enjoy the journey.
— Anthony Liebenberg