Hot off the press: Grab a Towel – 2nd Edition
It’s almost five years ago since we launched the book, Grab a Towel: Christ-centred servant leadership for the 21st century. In 2019 we launched the accompanying Interaction Guide – for personal reflection and small group discussion. As we approach the fifth anniversary, I’m excited to now release the second edition of the book. Not only has the book been updated, but we’ve also included the interaction guide as the fourth section of the book.
This edition is currently only available on Kindle… but we hope to have print options available soon.

If you have already Grab a Towel then perhaps you can consider the following:
- Go to the link and leave a five-star rating and a review.
- Have a refresher on the material by watching the video series by clicking here.
- Recommend the book to others – either share it on social media or send them a link to this article.
- Why not run your own Grab a Towel Leaders’ Table… a small group that meets nine times to use the discussion guide (conveniently now located in the new edition of the book).
- Follow @GrabaTowelBook on Facebook and Twitter.
I’ve been really encouraged by the response to Grab a Towel and the additional resources we’ve developed over the years. I’ve heard of school management teams, church life groups, organisations, and bible colleges all adopting the material.
One Cape Town pastor wrote the following about Grab a Towel:
“Reading the book and going through the study really gave me a fresh perspective of true Biblical Leadership in which Jesus served as the model for true leadership. I came to learn that the world has various philosophies and methods but none of them can compare to the model displayed by Jesus. As leaders our hearts are to burning with passion for people of which our end goal is to lead people to Jesus. I highly recommend Grab a towel and can assure any and every reader that a changed perspective will be gained.
Gregory Rezant, West Reach Assembly of God, Cape Town.
So please consider becoming part of the movement. Let’s Grab a Towel, and follow Christ’s example.